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More social media predictions for 2008

by Jiyan • February 2, 2008

About a week ago I shared my general vision on where I see the social media space moving in 2008. This week, I’m going to dig a bit deeper and lay out some initial thoughts on where the different forms of social media are headed in the upcoming year. I know there are a lot […]

Social media outlook for 2008

by Jiyan • January 22, 2008

Social media was one of the big stories in 2007, particularly in the marketing and PR space. Large companies and agencies continued to explore opportunities in emerging channels, meeting with mixed results, Forrester predicted that spending on social media will grow to $6.9 billion over the next five years, a number surpassing their projects for […]

Media relations tips

by jiyanwei • January 1, 2008

Bulldog Reporter and TEKgroup International have recently released results from a 2007 survey of journalists on media relations practices. The survey, based on responses from 2046 journalists, is full of useful information on media relations. Some of the top-line findings include: Journalists first choice for receiving news releases is via e-mail – In fact, 77.9% […]

The community manager

by jiyanwei • November 27, 2007

A couple of days ago Jeremiah Owyang spent some time outlining the ‘Four Tenants of the Community Manager,’ which is extremely interesting in light of the panel I participated in last week on PR versus advertising. I think the concept of a ‘community manager’ is really starting to pick up steam and is an alternative […]